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This website, its affiliated sites and Social media pages, printed material, articles, videos and any other form of media generated by its owner, management, representatives and staff have been generated to provide general information regarding drug addiction and drug abuse in South Africa.  

The owner off this site, its management, representatives, staff and authorized service providers are NOT affiliated or associated to any government or private organization. References to such organizations (in whatever capacity) are PURELY done to communicate as much information as possible regarding "Drug Addiction in South Africa" to our readers. We do NOT endorse any organization unless it is clearly stated on this website.

The owner off this site, its management, representatives, staff and authorized service providers are not professionally trained counselors to address specific drug related problems.

The owner off this site, its management, representatives, staff and authorized service providers will under no circumstances accept any responsibility for actions taken by any person or organization when acting on information which appears or may not appear on this website, its affiliated sites and Social media pages, printed material, articles, videos and any other form of media generated by said people or entities.

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